About me

As a Senior Writer at CBC News Network, I produce engaging and informative stories for national television news, covering a wide range of topics, from crime and politics to weather and entertainment. I enjoy finding new angles and perspectives to present to the audience, and I aim to deliver accurate, relevant, and compelling stories that inform and inspire the viewers.

I have a M.A. in Arts Journalism and Communications from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, where I honed my skills in creative writing, entertainment journalism, and video editing. Before joining CBC News Network, I worked as a News Producer at WROC-TV Channel 8, where I produced multiple newscasts, including the 2-hour morning show and the 5 PM show. I also have experience in print and online media, having contributed to the Charleston City Paper and Advance Media New York. I am passionate about storytelling and journalism, and I always seek to learn new skills and techniques to improve my craft.


I am also an author and podcaster:

Find my book here & listen to my podcast here.

Follow me on all socials at @veigagabe